Current Events Notebook

Your Current Events Notebook needs to be organized as follows:

*15 newspaper, magazine, or online articles that are P.E., health, or fitness related within the last 3 years

*Reflection on each article that states: 1.overview of article, 2. importance and relevance 3. how this effects you Criteria Points


Completion of 15 articles

4 points: All required sections are complete.

3 points: One required section is missing.

2 points: Two or three required sections are missing.

1 point: More than three required sections are missing.

Reflection Sections

4 points: No sections of the reflections are missing.

3 points: One section of the notebook is missing.

2 points: Two sections of the notebook are missing.

1 point: Three or more sections of the notebook are missing.


4 points: All events are thoroughly selected and pertinent.

3 points: One or two events do not contain pertinent information.

2 points: Three or four events do not contain pertinent information.

1 point: More than four events do not contain pertinent information.


4 points: All assignment and/or notes are kept in a logical or numerical sequence.

3 points: One or two assignments and/or notes are not in a logical or numerical sequence.

2 points: Three or Four assignments and/or notes are not in a logical or numerical sequence.

1 point: More than four assignments and/or notes are not in a logical or numerical sequence.


4 points: Overall notebook is kept very neat.

3 points: Overall notebook is kept in a satisfactory condition.

2 points: Overall notebook is kept in a below satisfactory condition.

1 point: Overall notebook is unkept and very disorganized.

Total ___/20
